Josie and Joshua love guessing games. In fact we get to play a least 100 times a day. For example, "Mama, guess if I need to go potty or not?", "Josie, guess if I fell in the hall or not?", "Papa, guess what crayon I'm going to use next?", "Mama, guess what I'm going to draw next?", or our personal favorite, "Guess what I'm going to eat next?" (that makes for a very long meal time).
As you can guess all this guessing got very old very fast. In fact, Eric and I were done with guessing games months ago. And for a short time, when Josie would ask a guessing question Joshua would very seriously reply, "No, Papa doesn't like guessing games."
Not surprisingly, Josie and Joshua never tire of these games. They get so excited to give the right answer, or give enthusiasm when we are correct. "Yes, I think you are going to go potty!,", I say. Josie responds, "You're right! How did you know?" "Good guess, I guess."
After failing to stop these constant guessing games, we've decided to embrace them. Besides, in a few years I'll be wishing I could read Josie's mind to know what is going on in her complex teenage mind.
Just so you know, Josie's eyes are closed. Joshua's eyes are open.
I love it! I'm definitely going to play a guessing game next time I see those two! : )
michelle, your children are so beautiful. i wish we were closer. you are amazing parents, thats all i can say. i admire you so much!
i love your blog by the way. love, meg
Michelle guess what I got for my birthday?
I remember my kids doing things like this. This made me think of when David was 4, Marie 2 and Aurora 1 we could play hide-and-go-seek in the car on a long trip. David started it. He would have the kids hide under a blanket and they ask for us his parents to find him. John or I would reach to find them with our hands and never could find them. The children would just laugh. In the end we would find them. In the end David grew up and on another long trip a few years later, John suggested to play hide-and-go-seek. David then in formed us there was no room and we would know right where he was. In the end we play this with Mirth in the car and David got to pretend not to find her. Family life is great!
have a fun w/e.
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