Well sort of . . . I have a long list of things I want to write about and pictures to share, but really I probably will never get around to it. And I'm not sure if I'll be posting regularly until we get a computer for Eric so he can finish his prelim paper. In the mean time I just had to write the new rules of the house. I have these posted in our kitchen in BIG letters, just so no one forgets--especially me! Feel free to use these rules for your house. But knowing all the amazing mothers I know, you probably are really consistent in these rules. I'm hoping they will add a bit to my sanity and teach my kids a bit of discipline for a change:
Mama IS the Mama. That Means:
1. When I say NO, I mean NO, so--don't ask again!
2. You NEVER say no to Mama.
3. Be happy, because Mama isn't changing--get used to it!
4. Even if you make a mistake, I still love you.
5. If you ask nicely, I might say yes.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
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Love the rules. I will print them and give them to my 12 and 15 year old.!
Glad your back. I missed you.
michelle, i love your rules. we have a big piece of paper on our cupboard with the "hughes family rules". i like yours a lot, i may use some of them. i allowed the kids to make a few of the rules and #1 is "no burping" and #2 is "no sneezing in other people's face". i like yours a lot better. :)
Joshua needs the "No burping" one. He seriously needs to burg (massive ones) several times a meal. We've taught him to at least prepare for it by covering his mouth, but it is still very loud and inevitable makes Josie laugh for 5 minutes. It drives me nuts!
michelle, we've been workign on this one for a while. as you can imagine with 2 five year old boys, NOTHING is more funny... so our rule is if you burp and its either 1.) intentional, or 2.) made a joke/silliness out of, you have to leave the table for 3 minutes (torture for them). but if they immediately say excuse me and apologize and keep it together, then they can stay (lets face it, we all burp sometimes...even moms!) so i try to excuse them if it just pops out. but if its rude and intentional then they AND the ones who laugh along with him/her need to leave. i rarely enforce the excused rule anymore, i don't really have to--if one burps, they immediately apologize and say excuse me. i don't know why it bothers me too, i think just because i work WAY too hard trying to teach my children to be decent human beings that i feel like at the table there needs to be some expectation of manners. i'm sure someday i'll laugh at how trivial it is, but right now, its #1 on our rule list!! (and THEY made up the rules, so you can tell its an issue here too!)
I'm glad you're back too, MIchelle, and I hope you do find just a little bit of time to post just a little here and there. The whole burping issue is a big deal at our house too, I guess it's inevitable with boys but I'm trying to nip it in the bud! Love the list!
Glad you had a few moments to post. Michelle, you may enjoy a rule that Robin and I have twice a year. It's Called Slave Day. One Weekend I am Robin's slave and have to do what ever she says with out talkig back. And then the next weekend she is mine. We do this twice a year. We Really do this. One of the most memorable ones was when we were living in the cottage. She wanted to see if I would really do everything, to test me and made me scrub those floors with a tooth brush, NAKED. And I did without question as a good slave should. I think she was hoping that Patsy would come over unannounced. But fortunately she didn't. You have start a slave day at your home.
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