Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Big Girl

When I think of Josie, this is what I picture. My little 4-5 year old, starting kindergarten. I can't believe that she'll be turning seven next week. All the sudden she is so big and grown up.

This growth has been amazing to watch--all of it--physically, intellectually, socially. It has been such a big year for her. A year ago, Josie struggled to sing in primary. Then, just a few months after she started first grade, she happily and excitedly participated in the school musical. She also voluntarily tried out for the talent show with a great jump roping act. Again, I was amazed. Where did my shy little girl go?

Josie has done such an amazing job in first grade. Considering her homeschooling last year, she adapted so well and quickly rose to the task. Sure there were many long days, and even a few sad ones, but man she sure loves her friends and grew a lot from their association. She quickly became every one's favorite friend around--always bringing stuff from home to share after school (Easter or Valentine candy she had saved).

When she isn't writing, doing subtraction or a craft, she can be found climbing trees and teaching herself how to ride a two wheeler in 10 minutes. She can do anything she puts her mind to.

There is so much I love about Josie. She is so patient with me as I've tried to figure out how to be a mother. She waits patiently as I try to learn how to let go. She is capable of so much. I find myself holding on because she is just growing up too fast. She is such a great support to me. She is more responsible than I ever was at her age and notices what I need at the perfect time. Instead of getting grumpy when I am having a bad day, she usually finds something to do to help out--all on her own (dishes, weeding, taking out the garbage). Last month, I angrily voiced my frustration about her many bags we have laying around the house filled with all of Josie's random, favorite things. Amid all her sorrow, I started collecting them to dump them out and sort the stuff to put away. She drew this picture for me (Josie handing her bags to me so we could put them away). What a girl! Again, I realized I just need to back off, because Josie always comes through . . . always.

I am frequently inspired by how Josie internalizes scripture study and our statements of faith. After reading about the tree of life and holding to the rod, she started to be sad about going to school. But she remembered the idea of holding to the rod and how that could lead her through anything, even really difficult things. Her attitude quickly changed and she went to school happy. That same evening my own grasp on the rod started to slip as Adam couldn't stop crying. Josie quickly started to pray. It was such a sincere and faith filled prayer, that it wasn't a surprise when Adam calmed down. Josie even made up a song, after studying one of our favorite people in the Bible--Peter. It goes like this, "Thinking of Jesus everyday. Thinking of Jesus in every way."

I love these next two pictures of Josie. This is what she does best. She makes her three brothers so happy. And we sure love her for that.

Tomorrow is the last day of first grade and this is what we'll look like because our girl will be home and for the next 10 weeks and she is all ours!


Hubers said...

You're a great mom! It takes a great mom to step back and know how luck she is.

Brian, Laura, Felix & Ezra said...

Oh, Michelle, I just found your blog, and I love it. Thanks for posting all of the reasons you love Eric, it's contageous to sense your gratitude. I'm glad just to have him as our HT. What a lucky woman you are! The boys are getting so dang adorable! Your family is just gorgeous.
Hope you're having a fantastic MI summer!