Eric said that I'm too hard on myself, so to balance the last post, I've decided to share the following. . .
I am proud that I'm a mother and a homemaker that loves doing what I do. I'm proud that my children are so beautiful, and that my husband is so handsome. I'm proud that I birthed all my children in water and that three of them were at home, unassisted. I'm proud that I carried my twins till 38 weeks and that they were 6.5 pounds and 6.3 pounds on a predominately raw vegan diet. I'm proud that I gain 10 pounds while nursing these twins and lost it while nursing them too. I'm proud that I homeschooled Josie for a year, mow the lawn for Eric every week (even when I was nine months pregnant with twins - that was a sight!), clean the gutters, keep a really clean and organized house (minus the floor and sheets), live simply w/o excess, cook healthy and tasty vegan meals for my family, have the spirit in our home more often than not, play the piano, sewed Josie's blessing dress. I'm proud that I give Eric pedicures and that I have children who listen to me. I am proud that we don't own cable TV, and that my children love nature documentaries. I'm proud that I want to have more children and think that I'll raise them well. I'm proud that we live on so little and feel so rich. I'm proud that I can take care of most of my family's illnesses with diet, herbs, homeopathy and other alternative meds. I'm proud that I have a testimony of Christ and His restored gospel. I'm proud of the times I've relied on faith to see me through, and that I pray and study the scriptures daily. I'm proud that we haven't used any paper products for two weeks because Josie and Joshua are finally washing all their own dishes (without much moaning).
Man, I feel much better now.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Damn Michelle you've been busy postings the last few days. Glad to see you had some time for therpy on the rackley blogg. very nice.
I am amazed by you. I am a better woman for having you in my life.
It is a gift to me everytime you let me snuggle your little bugs at church. Thank you.
I loved reading this post and your confessions. i think all us moms get a bit overwhelmed and end up falling short of the standards we set for ourselves...but it's so true, we need to be proud of the things that we do and the things that we accomplish with our kids.
love you michelle!
My dear sister michelle jenkins, you truly are the most perfect wife and mother I know in the gospel. I would like to interview you for a new book I am writing, called "the 7 habbits of perfect people". I look forward to talking to you soon.
Steven Covey
I was recently on the Steven R. Covey website:
I noticed that he is coming out with a new book next year called: The seven habits of highly effective lovers. I wonder who he interviewed when writing this book?
It should be a good read.
Sorry Little boy prophet, Diane and John Hendie have already been interviewed for that book.
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