Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Tribute to my Lover (on Father's Day)

So, I'm a little early (its 4 days till Father's Day). It's not your birthday or our anniversary (which we always seem to forget). But I wanted to do a little something for you on this day. Because after all, you being the father to our children, has made me completely fall in love with you.

It is safe to say that I am married to the best man I've ever known. He has helped me create the best children. I love that he is so dang good looking, and that he is brown. He loves my cooking, even when it really isn't that great.

He can fix anything . . . really, and he has made 3 of our homes (and three apartments) beautiful places to live because he can do anything (paint, sheet rock, install toilets/sinks and hardwood floors). He is the most patient man I've ever met. He still thinks I'm sexy after 7 years of marriage, 4 children and 15 (okay 20) extra pounds. I can trust him completely. He is so forgiving. He believes in me even when I don't. He is the best lover. He helps me see our children with new eyes.

He is the best midwife. He delivered twins, took care of Josie and Joshua, and was a constanst support to me during labor. His eyes convey this strength and trust and peace like nothing I've ever felt before.

He is the best father.

He kisses me even though my breath is terrible. He is just so dang smart - all his degrees seem to come so easy for him. He waited while I served a mission. He lives so closely to the teaching of the scriptures that the Spirit is always with him. He has no desire to watch R-rated movies, sports (with the exception of an occasional soccer game) or play computer or video games. He rescues me when I need saving. He follows the Spirit and always knows what I and the children need. He keeps the commandments faithfully and makes me laugh so hard I pee. He thinks I'm sexy even when I haven't showered, brushed my hair or teeth, and have a combination of blood, vomit, poop and spit-up on me. He gave me a son that looks just like him and wakes me up 45 minutes after we fall asleep for some more fun. He has no desire but to be the best husband and father and teacher. He knows my size and picks out the best clothes for me. He does all the clothes shopping for the children and enjoys it. He handwashes the dishes (we've never owned a dishwasher) even when they are piled to the sky.

I could go on and on . . . Dang, I am lucky! Twelve years ago I knew life with you was right. I just had no idea how amazing it'd really be. . . .

So, Happy Father's Day, my Love. I can't wait for Eternity and all the time we'll have to make lots of these . . .


John Philip Jenkins said...

MIchelle I really like all the cool colors you used for this posting. Very fancy! That photo of you with the twins in your Belly is So Crazy!

John Philip Jenkins said...

Damn Eric, I'm in love with you after reading this! Better not bend over when I'm around, I might just be tempted to pinch that sexy BROWN Bumm of yours.
Omgosh Michelle, this is the best. Just a few more comments:
My favorite is: "and that he is BROWN". and the 2nd is: "He is the best LOVER." This gives the impression that you have some experience with several Lover to compare to. Thanks again for sharing and Eric, we love you too!

Boy Prophet said...

Are you sure that he is straight?

John Philip Jenkins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Rackleys said...

John, You are such a wuss--deleting your comment . . . what are you scared of? Actually, at first I totally thought it was really from Mom. Thanks for the talk tonight.