Friday, November 7, 2008

Magic and Miracles

Joshua and I headed to the dollar store today. His FAVORITE place on earth. Where he would spend a million dollars, if he had.

He picked out this super cool magic set. Was bursting with excitement the whole way home. Could hardly contain himself. Then, we figured out the tricks. . . and to his utter disappointment he realized that magicians aren't really magic. They just know tricks. He was shattered, devastated by this, even a little hostile. Poor guy. I tried to explain how his cool Uncle John knows a bunch of neat magic tricks, but that didn't do anything for him. Living in a world where magic doesn't exist just isn't any fun.

At least there are still fairies. And the amazing fact that we somehow, magically have enough money for mortgage this month. Wait, that isn't magic, that is a MIRACLE. And thank goodness for those.

How about you? Seen any miracles lately?


John Philip Jenkins said...

I hope you and Eric are not teaching your children that Jesus was a magician. But we have seen some wonderful Miracles this week. Michelle Posted on her Blog. That is the most incredible of all miricles this week. We have this new agent in our office who is a magician part time, he signs all of his emails: Magically Theron. It is so funny. Poor Joshua getting one of his first doses of Life. Yes there are still Fairies, a Santa clause, and an easter bunny. This is the best time of the year, the Holiday's Thanks Giving and Christmas. We purpose a new Rackley Rule. A monthly Thanks Giving Day. It can be Rackley Rule 87453C-103.

Anonymous said...

When you have a science teacher for a father in-law your children learn early there is no magic...but they learn really cool science facts! So happy to see you are posting! I adore you and your family!

Boy Prophet said...

The only correct way to raise children is through atheism. This allows them to get their disappointment with live over early and in one fatal swoop. The children who do not commit suicide from the initial shock of atheism will go on to live in New York City.

One final point, and yes, I know it sounds corny, but it really is a miracle that a majority of Americans voted a black man to become the next President of the United States. A little over forty years ago, blacks were still legally discriminated against.

John Philip Jenkins said...

Does anyone have the phone number to CPS in San Diego?

The Rackleys said...

Hasn't Brad already been to CPS? That poor Rachael. She's been through so much!