It was in the mid 40's today, and in Michigan that means t-shirts and flip flops even when there is still snow on the ground. It was clear, sunny and windy so we all headed to our favorite park to fly a kite. It went up in a flash (much better flying than our last attempt when I was 8 months pregnant with Adam and Isaac -- I ran around for 45 min. in a field behind a little league game. I looked like a fool and finally when the kite stayed up--everyone cheered--baseball players and their parents). So considering how kite flying went last time--we all had a blast.
We headed home covered in mud, and somehow I managed to cook dinner and eat, bath and feed 4 children, start a load of muddy clothes, mop up the muddy kitchen floor, get everyone in their PJ's and head off to enrichment for the RS birthday party--oh and nurse two hungry babies--all in a hour.
On the way to the party I questioned my decision to attend. I was tired and I figured it might be better to just put everyone in bed early so I could rest too. But in the end I was glad I didn't.
Josie and Joshua got to play in the nursery with Joshua's old primary teacher--He just adores Cory. So while they were having fun I got to sit next to some great women and hear two of my favorite songs for the musical numbers--Come Thou Fount and I know Heavenly Father Loves Me. I sat there being filled, after feeling empty and tired all day. It was just what I needed. The party continued with great food and company topped off with a dozen amazing cakes to sample. Josie and Joshua were in heaven getting little tastes of everything.
So during all this, I felt very grateful to be apart of such a great organization of women. I am so grateful for Relief Society, especially in this ward. There is a unity and sisterhood I've never felt before. These sisters love me and care for me and would do anything for me. I am so blessed and thankful to be apart of them.
We left the party after sunset and way after the children's bedtime. The excitement of the day--the kite flying, the friends, the cakes, staying up late . . . seemed to all come together as we saw how beautiful the night was. It was clear, dark and a little magical from the fading light on the horizon. Josie exclaimed, "Joshua, isn't this beautiful?" Joshua replied, "Yes, It looks like Jesus' love." Josie and I agreed. What a great way to end the day.
We headed home covered in mud, and somehow I managed to cook dinner and eat, bath and feed 4 children, start a load of muddy clothes, mop up the muddy kitchen floor, get everyone in their PJ's and head off to enrichment for the RS birthday party--oh and nurse two hungry babies--all in a hour.
On the way to the party I questioned my decision to attend. I was tired and I figured it might be better to just put everyone in bed early so I could rest too. But in the end I was glad I didn't.
Josie and Joshua got to play in the nursery with Joshua's old primary teacher--He just adores Cory. So while they were having fun I got to sit next to some great women and hear two of my favorite songs for the musical numbers--Come Thou Fount and I know Heavenly Father Loves Me. I sat there being filled, after feeling empty and tired all day. It was just what I needed. The party continued with great food and company topped off with a dozen amazing cakes to sample. Josie and Joshua were in heaven getting little tastes of everything.
So during all this, I felt very grateful to be apart of such a great organization of women. I am so grateful for Relief Society, especially in this ward. There is a unity and sisterhood I've never felt before. These sisters love me and care for me and would do anything for me. I am so blessed and thankful to be apart of them.
We left the party after sunset and way after the children's bedtime. The excitement of the day--the kite flying, the friends, the cakes, staying up late . . . seemed to all come together as we saw how beautiful the night was. It was clear, dark and a little magical from the fading light on the horizon. Josie exclaimed, "Joshua, isn't this beautiful?" Joshua replied, "Yes, It looks like Jesus' love." Josie and I agreed. What a great way to end the day.
1 comment:
What are you going to do for your birthday weekend?
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