Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to . . . ME!

It is St. Patrick's Day and my birthday. It is only 9:15 am and it already has been great day. Although I have to admit, I never liked having a birthday on St. Patrick's day. I always got woken up with 3 brothers and 2 sisters pinching me (I'd much prefer my birthday to be on Valentine's Day like my sister-in-law).

I wanted to share some great pictures my brother John found of me (he posted them on our Jenkins Family blog). I thought they were great:

Five years old, taking care of our class pet.
Painting with my Grandpa. I really miss him.

And I had to add some pictures of what Eric and the children did this morning. Josie and Joshua worked for an hour to decorate the red room for me and wrap some great presents while Eric made a great breakfast. All of it made me feel very happy and very blessed. Thanks everyone!

Joshua made me a bookmark, cut out some shapes and wrapped some seeds and a water balloon he found on a walk yesterday.

Josie made we a really great bookmark and a beautiful card.


John Philip Jenkins said...

So what are you 32 now? Probably you were born in 76 right? Well happy birthday hope it was a fun one.

hughes family said...

I've thought about you all day, and i finally have 2 seconds to sit down at the computer. I hope you had a GREAT day! You are such an amazing person, and i feel so honored to have known you almost our entire lives. I admire the person you are and the mother you are and the friend you are to me. I love you!! Happy Birthday!!
love, meg