Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A whole lot of sick

It started with Adam and Isaac. Then it spread to Jacob and Jared. Next Josie and Joshua got it, followed closely by Mama.

At it's peak, seven little Rackleys were all sick at once this weekend (that's a record for us). It was the flu! And it was terrible, from what I hear.

For some reason, I escaped the brunt of it. I got to take care of everyone. It truly was a pleasure for me. The best part was being able to cuddle as much as I wanted. Nobody objected, not even Isaac.

We had sick beds set up throughout the house. Each person got a vomit bowl (we practiced turning heads into the bowl), a pillow, a blanket, and quiet activities. But mostly, everyone just rested.

Adam set a record this weekend. He was swinging in the basement with a look of pain on his face. I was pushing him in front. I kept asking him if his stomach was hurting. He shook his head "No" every time.

Then, all of a sudden, I see a stream of vomit coming right at me. I jump out of the way and it spatters across the floor to the furnace. Later on I measured from the swing to the furnace (I know, that's terrible, but I had to know). Ready? Adam projectile vomited (with the help of the swing) 10 feet! Now, that's amazing!

I'm glad everyone is finally on the mend.

1 comment:

John Philip Jenkins said...

sounds like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Next time get it on video.